Sunday, May 31, 2009

Henna Tattoo - Back & Shoulder Henna Pattern

The goddess of henna muses came by for a back piece yesterday. In the spirit of all great patrons of artists everywhere, Miss Nancy gave me a general description of what she wanted in general and the complete freedom to henna as I pleased.

We talked about styles & energy.. paisley and peacocks, and the wonderful ideas of someday doing full body henna. I hope to create a unique design/ pattern/ moment of art in the near future.

However, as we were in a shop window, we opted for a henna pattern for her upper back. The first photos is of her henna design seen from the back. I was very happy to be able to use negative space in this design, as well as the "drops" effect to enhance the natural beauty of her neck & shoulders.

henna pattern, henna tattoo designThe pattern began on her right shoulder, moving across the upper back and then down the left arm. At some point, we thought to try for the half sleeve tattoo effect that is so popular for ink...
but this pattern flowed so well, and "dripped" into a graceful modern tribal sort of style that she likes & wears so well, that we opted to let the henna end as you see it here.

If you are interested in this type of henna tattoo, it is critical that you wear an outfit that will accommodate the paste. For those new to henna, please visit the FAQ page of my site for answers to most of the frequently asked questions.

It can take anywhere from ten minutes to apply a simple henna tattoo, and up to 45 minutes for a more complex henna pattern. If you are in a hurry, please add about five or six minutes of drying time to your schedule, as it is best to sit and allow the paste to dry a bit on the skin before you return to shopping at The Midnight Sun.

Henna paste is applied to the skin to stain the skin... and the longer the henna stays on the skin, the longer the natural vegetable dye can interact with the skin, creating a darker stain when the final color is revealed. Therefore, wearing clothing that will allow the paste to rest undisturbed on the skin is necessary for an successful finished pattern.

Now that it is indeed henna season, it is best to call ahead and make an appointment for a complex henna design!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Full Palm Henna Tattoo

henna pattern quick palm henna patternHere is a quick pattern for a full palm henna tattoo with a floral feel.

My customer wanted a traditional henna look without bridal pricing... which is when the use of negative space makes a henna tattoo come alive, seem very full & traditional, without requiring more than 15 minutes or so.

This pattern starts at the wrist & then uses two double paisley patterns to contain the bulk of the design. Henna rings were used on the fingers, with little ring jewels on the tips.

Henna will naturally flake off over time, and of course with movement, so the rings were placed between the finger joints. Placing the henna paste away from the joints of the fingers made this an easy to wear henna pattern for a busy shopping day. The henna tattoo was sprayed several times with a a lemon sugar glaze to help it stay in place.

full palm henna tattoo with peacock As it is now henna season, it's best to call ahead to schedule your henna tattoo at The Midnight Sun. Visit Spirit Vision Henna for more information. This month's special is one full palm tattoo, similar to the one you see here, for $25.00. If you want both palms done, then it is best to have a driver.. or to choose a pattern similar to this second pattern.

This client had to drive for the little party that stopped by the shop. As you can see the henna design makes use of "negative space" to enhance the peacock pattern and to leave plenty of room to handle the steering wheel while driving a stick shift car.

If you have another style of henna tattoo in mind, no worries. There are lots of pattern books to look through, however the special pricing is for "Chef's Choice" henna. This means that your artist will create a custom design based on your preference for tribal, floral, Arabic or Indian styles.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Traditional Japanese Tattoo

Traditional Japanese Tattoo

7 Tips to Get a

  1. Choose a Kanji character to represent a certain word or expression.
  2. Select a traditional animal from Japanese culture. Choose an animal whose meaning represents your personality.
  3. Incorporate the natural beauty of Japanese flora in your tattoo with a delicate cherry blossom, lotus flower or other floral design. The Japanese revere the serene beauty of the world around; if natural beauty is something you hold a deep appreciation for as well, consider demonstrating that appreciation through your tattoo.
  4. Take a page from other traditional Japanese landscaping elements for your tattoo.
  5. Use a temple scene or a rendering of the Buddha in your tattoo design if you want to pay homage to traditional Japanese spirituality.
  6. Place your tattoo on your arms, shoulders or back in keeping with Japanese tradition.
  7. Opt for a bold statement if you really want a tattoo in the Japanese tradition. A typical Japanese tattoo often spans the length and width of the back.

japanese tattoo

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Entrevista a La mujer de mayor edad mas tatuada del mundo

Se llama Isobel Varley y nacio en Yorkshire hace ya mas de 70 años y es la mujer de mayor edad con mas tatuajes en el mundo. Isobel no sabe cuantos diseños tiene en todo su cuerpo. Esta en libro Guiness de los Records con orgullo.y declara "Los tatuajes son una adicción"

Aqui les dejo una entrevista realizada a Isobel por Elcomerciodigital con motivo de su visita al encuentro internacional de Gijón, España, junto con un video.
-Lleva más de veinte años tatuando su cuerpo. ¿Cómo y cuándo tomó la decisión de hacerse el primero?-Fui a una convención de tatuajes en Londres y pensé que me gustaría hacerme un tatuaje. Días después, fui de nuevo a otra en otra ciudad, y decidí tatuarme un pájaro en el hombro y una flor en la pierna para decorar un poco la piel. Aunque en realidad, nunca pretendí tatuarme todo el cuerpo.-¿Por qué motivo empezó a tatuarse?-Es como una droga, una adicción. Todo es empezar, porque una vez que lo haces siempre quieres más y es difícil parar. Otra razón fue que el tío (el tatuador) me dijo que como ya tenía lo que podía hacer era unirlos. Y luego ya vino todo lo demás: por arriba, por abajo...-La cara es casi la única parte de su cuerpo que no tiene tatuada. ¿Acabará con eso algún día?-No, ya tengo los ojos contorneados. No es algo que me plantee, creo que nunca me tatuaré toda la cara.-Pero, ¿nunca se lo ha planteado?-Lo único que me haría sería el cuello, aunque no me lo planteo ahora mismo.-Veo que también es una amante de los piercings. ¿Cuantos tiene?-En total, 47, por cada parte de mi cuerpo.-¿Qué es un piercing para usted? ¿Significa lo mismo que un tatuaje?-Es parecido. Hombre, a la hora de ponerte un tatuaje tienes que sentarte ahí y aguantar tarde lo que tarde.-¿Crees que es un arte?-El tatuador tiene que tener la habilidad de dibujar y diseñar bien, sino Y también, para que te puedas hacer una idea de lo que te vas a hacer. Pienso que antes que tatuador uno tiene que ser dibujante, y los que dibujan, para mí, son artistas.-Lleva 22 años 'dibujando' su cuerpo. ¿Son mejores los tatuajes ahora que antes?-Creo que los colores son mejores, pero hay unos artistas realmente brillantes en la actualidad, muy buenos.«Es mi cuerpo»-Y la apariencia. ¿Le preocupa lo que la gente piense de usted o no le importa?-No me importa Es mi cuerpo y puedo hacer lo que quiera con él. Si no les gusta, nadie les obliga a mirar, ¿no?-¿Cree que la imagen social de los tatuajes es mejor ahora que hace veinte años?-Sí, el tatuaje se ha convertido en un fenómeno en todo el mundo. Muchos de los míos nos asombramos, porque los trabajos que se hacen ahora son espectaculares y antes eran algo inimaginable en los colores, los diseños.... en todo.-Es la primera vez que se celebra una convención internacional de tatuajes en Asturias. ¿También es su primer vez en el Principado?-Sí, es la primera vez que vengo al norte de España. Ya había estado antes en el sur ,pero esta es la primera convención a la que vengo. Me lo propusieron y acepté, aunque el tiempo

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bridal Henna - Free Hand Design

One of the great joys of the web is that it enables me to see the great skills of other mehndi artists.

This photo is inspired by the work of the fine artist at Hasina Mehnd. AFter seeing one of her more recent henna designs, I knew I had to work a bit harder to be able to offer my customers the best of traditional henna.

I was lucky to have a willing volunteer, and about an hour of to do this design. The design went along rather quickly until I got to the middle of the palm of the hand. This is traditional henna, and I hope to be able to offer more photos, more often.

If you would like to have a henna like this, it is best to make an appointment. This kind of henna takes a plenty of paste, space & free time.

I hope you will be inspired to enjoy this lovely body art.

Ann George
Spirit Vision Henna Tattoo

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Girl Tattoo Designs

girl tattoo

Girl Tattoo Designs Are As Unique As The Girls Who Wear Them

One of the most popular topics of conversation these days is how far women have come to gain equality. You may never have thought about it before, but one place you can see evidence of this social change is in the tattoo parlor. designs are becoming more popular and diverse than ever.

Women have become increasingly viewed as equal with men since they began to enter the workforce and breached gender barriers in ways such as getting tattoos. Today, girls continue this trend in many diverse ways, such as developing new tattoos, or coming up with new variations on standard designs. Many of the women around you have tattoos, even if you aren't aware of them. Most likely, many of your neighbors, friends, and colleagues have gotten tattoos. Find out from them what designs they selected and what reasons they had for choosing them. Their stories might provide you with some creative inspiration. The internet is also an excellent place to look for tattoos.

girl tattoo

People who feel timid or shy can use the relatively private method of searching the internet rather than asking around, and possibly being embarrassed by family members who are averse to tattoos. This method also allows you to find information much more quickly, and you will find several million ideas on the web. A tattoo is something that you're going to live with for the rest of your life, so you'll want to make sure the design you choose is a meaningful one. What is important in your life? A religious symbol, or maybe the name of a loved one? Those would both make great tattoo design ideas. When you are looking at tattoo designs, don't forget to consider where on your body this tattoo will go. If you are planning to get a tattoo, for instance, on your back, nearly any art design will work well. This location provides a flat canvas with plenty of room to ink the artwork. If, however, you have chosen a smaller body part, such as an ankle or a hip, think carefully about your decision. Your ankles are relatively small, and you don't want to pick a design that is bigger than your whole foot!

Many important choices are involved in having your tattoo done. Research carefully to find ideas for girl tattoo designs, and really consider what they will look like when they are applied to your body. Most of all, be sure that you select a tattoo that will have meaning for you and remain enjoyable for the rest of your life.

By Tim Croy
girl tattoo

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Wedding Henna - Full Palms Bridal Henna Tattoo

wedding henna tattoo full palms
It is always an honor to be included in wedding day celebrations. I am pleased to publish a photo of the brides henna tattoo.
She choose to include several spiritual symbols in her henna, and from those images, the henna pattern unfolded in that energy. Here you see the photo of both palms, with the henna paste on the skin.

Please feel welcome to contact the artists of Spirit Vision Henna for your wedding, celebration, gathering.. or just for a "girls night out". We have a large collection of pattern books, as well, Ann George is an accomplished free hand artist.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Celtic Tattoos

Celtic Tattoos

Find the Unique Celtic Designs For You

Most people looking for tattoos are passionate about this kind of art. There is so much generic stuff floating around in cyber space. Celtic design tattoos originated in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. When Christians took over control, the tattoo cultures blended. A popular Celtic design tattoo is the Celtic cross. Many times you will see a Celtic knot around the middle of the cross where the two pieces cross.

Because Celtic design tattoos are very popular, you want to make sure you get a unique tattoo. Don't go into a tattoo parlor ready to get inked without a design in hand. Look through the books to get an idea of the type of work the artist has done not to pick out a tattoo design. Keep in mind that the tattoos in their books have already been inked on someone. Some of the best galleries have areas where you can upload pictures of your tattoo and people can comment on them. You can also join forums to talk about finding and creating designs.

Celtic Tattoos

An online tattoo gallery, specifically a membership tattoo gallery will allow you access to thousands of designs and you can pick and choose the designs that you want to include in your tattoos. It is best to pick parts of different tattoo designs that you like and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle to design your own tattoo. From a tattoo gallery you can have unlimited downloads of designs so you can print as many different designs as you want and look at them on paper instead of on the computer screen.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Full Palm Henna Tattoo

full palm henna tattoo © ann george studios, incGreetings & best wishes to all!

This is a quick post to let you know that this Satuday, May 16, 2009, the artists of Spirit Vision Henna will be out of town for a wedding party. We will not be at The Midnight Sun.

We will however be back again on Saturday, May 23, 2009. Please feel welcome to call to schedule a henna appointment for next Saturday, or if you prefer, stop by the shop between 11:30 AM and 5:15 PM for your mehandi.

We use only freshly prepared henna paste - our own recipe! - to ensure deep lasting color. For more information about getting your first henna tattoo, please visit the FAQ page.

Tattoo Designs

Tattoo Designs

Tips How To Get Tattoo Designs

To get a tattoo removed you have to keep going back for multiple painful appointments until the tattoo is completely removed, talk about costly!

Read the seven tips on choosing your first tattoo design before jumping in at the deep end and then you can rest assured that you have chosen a that is right for you and one that you can live with for the rest of your life.

1) Choosing a Meaning

2) Get a small tattoo to start with.

3) Price of tattoos

Obviously the larger the tattoo the more it will cost you, that also applies to how much detail is in the tattoo as well, something that requires intricate detail will cost a lot more than just a simple shape or pattern, something to keep in mind for your first tattoo, especially if you are on a budget!

Tattoo Designs

4) Where to have your tattoo

Choosing where on your body to have your tattoo is an important decision!

If you have a job that deals with people it might not be a great idea to have a tattoo anywhere on your neck, hands, forarms or even your face! Best places to have a tattoo is somewhere you can either cover it up when needed.

5) Painful areas

6) Choose a unique tattoo design.

Choosing your tattoo design is a personal thing and you want to make sure to choose one that not many other people have so that your is very unique and personal to you.

If you take your time and choose the right tattoo design that's is right for you then you will be happy with your tattoo for the rest of your life.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Origins of Tattoos

origins of tattoos

Believe it or not but most scientist believe the origins of tattoos date back to about 3300 B.C. They believe that certain marks found on the skin of the , a mummified body of an iceman found in the italian alps, were considered tattoos back in his days. If their acceptance is true, these marks on his body represent the earliest known evidence for tattoos in history. All we know for sure up until now is, there are tattoos found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from about 2000 B.C. Classical authors also mention the use of tattoos in ancient societies like the old Greeks, Germans, Britons, Romans and Gauls.

origins back tattoo

The tattoos we know nowadays were discovered by Europeans while exploring north america and the south seas of the pacific ocean. Their first contact with cultures like the American Indians and Polynesians also were the first contact of so called "civilized" people with tattoos. The word tattoo was first mentioned in James Cook's records from his 1769 journey to the south seas. The natives of Tahiti, this is were Cook's expedition went to, called the marks on their bodies TATTAU which was translated into TATTOO by Cook. Due to their exotic appearance, tattooed Indians and Polynesians where showcased at circuses and fairs during the 18th and 19th century all over Europe and the US.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chinese Tattoos Tips

chinese tattoo

I just saw a Caucasian woman with a that says, 'love birds' in Chinese. When read in the Chinese context, it means either you love birds or and you are a bird lover!

The Chinese calligraphy may look impressive, especially when combined with a Chinese dragon tattoo, but get it wrong and you may be looking like a clown with a puzzle tattoo instead. And by the way, Chinese tattoos are not Japanese tattoos.

For those thinking of inking the Chinese characters tattoos, I would suggest consulting a Chinese speaking tattoo artist before the procedure.

chinese tattoo

Chinese tattoos with just the characters or writing alone can look quite boring unless the calligraphy is done tastefully, which is rare unless the tattoo artist is trained to write and have practiced Chinese calligraphy for a period of time.

The Chinese phoenix tattoo is a very powerful symbol for women and the Chinese dragon is a good one for men.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Lower Back Tattoos

lower back tattoo

Myths Associated With Lower Back Tattoos

One of the most popular places on the body for women to get tattoos is the . tattooed. That's because there are a lot of myths associated with , myths The biggest myth associated with lower back tattoos is that the women who get them are promiscuous.

Women get tattoos (including lower back tattoos) for a whole variety of different reasons and most of a widespread acceptance of the myth that women who wear tattoos on their lower backs are sexual suggestion. Of all of the myths about lower back tattoos that are out there, this is Women are not the only targets of lower back tattoo myths, though. second to the myth about promiscuity is the myth that lower back tattoos should only be on women and not on men.

Lower Back Tattoos

Many men who have taken an interest in getting a tattoo on the small of Because of the other myths, it is believed that these tattoos A woman who liked sun tattoos might be pressured to look at sun tattoos that were suggestive such as a female-looking sun with long eyelashes and a winking smile.

Alternatively, she might be encouraged to avoid sun tattoos and get something All of the myths that surround lower back tattoos are based on the idea that the only people

society's men that she is sexually available. there hitting the bars and scoping out the tattoos on the other patrons. If you're in love with lower back tattoos and sun People will design of your tattoo.

lower back tattoo

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How To Get a Body Tattoo

body tattoosIn the past, body tattoos seemed to be reserved for primal tribes out of the loop of civilization and sailors who voyaged far from home in quest of adventure. Neither of those lifestyles necessarily permeate today's culture, and yet thousands of people from every walk of life are choosing to get tattoos of one kind or another, and sometimes multiple variations to adorn various parts of their exposed skin surface. Young and old, male and female, and rich or poor can be seen proudly displaying words, images, and designs on shoulders, backs, ankles, and even the face as today's social climate fosters more tolerance of this tradition that was perhaps once forbidden or frowned upon in Western society.

Tattoos are made when the artist uses a sharp needle that has been sterilized to poke tiny holes in the skin to create a design of the customer's choice. Then dark ink is inserted in each hole to link the holes and bring the design to living color. These can be tiny rosebuds or huge dragons, depending on the client's choice. Some people decorate a small area of skin, while in others it may be difficult to find a square inch of un-tattooed flesh.

Tattoos are one way of proclaiming individuality. Some are interested only in this artistic expression on the human body, but others experiment with a variety of designs that include body piercing, implantations, and variant jewelry to accent the human-made artistry in a vivid array of hues.

body tattoo

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, look for a reputable parlor and someone who has received the license to perform this work. You have just one body, and tattoos last indefinitely, although they may need to be touched up from time to time. Take your time, check the local artists, and make a wise selection rather than rushing into something you may later regret.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Before & After Henna Tattoo Photos

custom henna tattoo for the feet paste oneThis first photo show the first part of the henna tattoo process after the paste has been applied to the skin.

This tattoo was done rather late at night, so the modl left the henna paste on her skin, wearing white cotton socks to bed so that she could get the darkest stain possible.

For good color, that being deep rich color, the longer the paste can interact with the skin, the darker the finished color should be.

henna tattoo after past is removed 8 hours laterIn this photo you are able to see the beginning color of a henna tattoo after the paste is removed. As you can see, the henna paste left on the skin for a period of hours leave a bright orange stain on the tops of the feet.

This bright color will darken over the next 48 hours to a deeper color, providing that some aftercare is taken. In general, it is best to apply olive oil over the finished henna twice a day or more. It is very important to do this before bathing.

Other tips to help your color develop are to keep the tattoo warm ( some clients use a blow dryer to heat up the skin after the paste is removed to deepen the color, ) avoid chlorinated water & especially avoid skin products that contain petroleum ( this includes most all American skin lotions & creams.)

The text & photos on this blog are copyrighted by Ann George Studios, Inc and the artists of Spirit Vision Henna. They may not be used without permission.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Arm Jewelry - a henna tattoo pattern for the inner arm

henna tattoo pattern for the inner armHere is a henna tattoo pattern for the inner arm. It is a free hand design which took about ten minutes from start to finish. The pattern flows with the muscle structure of the client, as well ... the energy flow of this particular goddess who was just open to what ever art seemed right for the day.

One of the blessings of doing henna in Five Points is that more & more clients are choosing henna as living art - thus art for art's sake, or as a means of self-expression. Sometimes just as a treat, a bit of pampering that takes one on the evolutionary journey of Mehandi, or henna tattoo.

If you have never had henna before, then you see in this photo what appears to be a black tattoo. What you are really seeing is a photo of henna paste still on the skin. Under the paste, the henna mixture is interacting with the skin. Henna is a heat activated body dye that penetrates the skin.

The hotter the skin is, the more the pores open, and the deeper the final color. Also, in warm weather, we may sweat a bit, and this helps to keep the paste moist on the skin. When the paste is moist, it can easily stain the skin. This is why lemon sugar is applied after the paste is a bit dry... to keep it moist & active. Also, the sugar in the glaze helps keep the henna from falling off the skin.

At present, henna tattoo is offer only on Saturdays on a walk-in basis at 1055 Park Street, The Midnight Sun, in Five Points, Riverside, Jacksonville, Florida. Please feel welcome to call (904) 993-7466 for more information.