Thursday, January 28, 2010

Japanese Half Sleeve Tattoo Picture

Japanese Half Sleeve Tattoo PictureJapanese Half Sleeve Tattoo Picture On Man Body's

New Tattoo


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tattoo Lettering

Different Tattoo Lettering

By Marya Wordsworth

For centuries people have used images to display their intention for all to see, but, as with any new era, new phenomena appear in the form of tattoo lettering. Italic tattoo lettering is one of the hundreds of font styles for you to choose from. But the Tattoo Letteringitalic font is one that shows the class and most of the way really nice to express yourself.

Popular, but personally, the way that many people choose to enter a letter into the tattoo is to have it in or accompanying the tattoo. That way you can feature the best of both worlds in one tattoo and still have personal meaning you want.

While the most popular and often think of the color that will be used is black, do not limit yourself. Try your favorite color or mixture of colors, even a rainbow in the text, to give you a tattoo italics higher sense of creativity, uniqueness and personality. After all, your tattoo will talk about you and to you for the rest of your life.

Selecting the text what the ink on your body is probably the second most important Tattoo Letteringthing to consider when deciding to get a italic tattoo lettering, the first is the fonts themselves. You want something meaningful and uniquely yours, but at the same time you may not want a tattoo that will either get angry or throw people for a loop when trying to find out what it means and then why did you choose it. That, of course, unless it is your intention.

Another thing that you should put under high consideration is where to put the italic tattoo lettering. Many people, men and women, who choose to have ink on their backs. The main reason is that you're back is the largest and most flat of your body, which makes a great blank canvas for many different tattoos, especially a larger or contain phrases. Women seem to find that tattoo put italics on the back of their lower add a little sex appeal, while men seem to use all of them back to display like that.

However you go, it would be a big piece that you will treasure for the rest of your Tattoo Letteringlife. Do you want your name, your child's name (or the names of your children), your zodiac sign, name your pet, your favorite phrase or anything else you can think of, tattoos italics are the perfect solution for everything.

Do not forget to put your mind where you want to put your tattoo italics because that would be a permanent mark for years to come; and, of course, do not forget to be creative in the color or colors you choose. You want to make this something that is yours and yours alone. No matter what you choose to write and where you choose to write, it would be a striking work of art that everyone will enjoy.

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Japanese Dragon Tattoo Picture

Skull Tattoo and Butterfly Tattoo Designs

sexy-tattoos-suicide-girlSkull Tattoo and Butterfly Tattoo Designs
The Skull Tattoo Design on her Arm is in the Net's Spider and the wings of Butterfly Tattoo Design Change to Net too

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tattoo Supplies

Although there are quite a lot of tattoo supplies are made to be used in place of the tattoo and the industry as a whole, for a beginner, there are only a few tattoo supplies to their concerns. In this article, a review will be made from these stocks with a description of their basic use and function. This information is relevant for interesting people to become a tattoo artist or just want to learn more about tattoo supplies.

Tattoo SuppliesStarting with the most recognizable tool, let us look at the tattoo machine. Often one called a "tattoo gun, tattoo machine is a gun-like device used tools to do the work of tattoo. This is the main tool tattoo. But the tattoo machine would be worthless if not for the other instruments, that needles, ink, and of course, the source of power. Let's look at this tattoo next supply.

Tattoo needle is inserted into the tattoo machine. This includes both protective and ship tattoo needles. In order for them to do anything, the ink is inserted into the machine. Needle dipped into the ink and then the needle puncture the skin, leaving a small Tattoo Suppliesdeposit in the body ink tattoo recipients. This, in essence, how the tattoo done.

Electricity is often overlooked component of tattoo supplies. This is not a very interesting area for discussion, but a good power supply is near mandatory to have when practicing on a regular basis. Ideally, the electric tattoo machine will be equipped with a foot pedal for easy control of power, leaving the tattoo artist's hands to guide their work.

Together, these needles, tattoo ink is different, a solid power tattoo supplies, and a tattoo machine (or guns) to the basics of what a tattoo supplies needs in the hands of an artist to do the work of tattoo. This, of course, and willing to clients who want a tattoo!

By Ben Quick

Tattoo Supplies

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spider Tattoo Studio - Jeffinho Tattow

Jefferson B. Corrêa, mais conhecido pelos cliente e amigos como Jeffinho Tattow,
é um tatuador autodidata que esta na estrada desde 1997.
Vindo de Ubiratã sua cidade natal,
chegou a dois anos na cidade de Campo Mourão
onde escolheu pra viver e trabalhar. Abrindo suas portas como
Spider Tattoo Studio” para a clientela mourãoense,
onde seu moradores tem a satisfação de conhecer seu trabalho
e ter a certeza de estar sendo atendido por um profissional qualificado!
Foi capa da revista Sul Tattoo de santa catarina!

R: São paulo, 1030, sala 2
Cel: (44) 9981 4723
You Tube:
Orkut: Spider Tattoo Studio
Campo Mourão  -  Paraná

 Jeffinho Tattoow destaque no Jornal Eldorado



Nas fotos acima vemos 2 lindas carpas tatuadas por Jeffinho Tattow.

Se a carpa é representada subindo, apontando para o alto, significa a superação dos obstáculos, a luta pelo objetivo e ideal. Representa a perseverança.
No caso de uma carpa ser representada apontando para baixo, como que  a descer o rio, ela passa a simbolizar, a vitória, a conquista, o êxito de um objetivo.

 Maravilhoso trabalho de fechamento das costas

Motoqueiro Fantasma tatuado nas costa, destaque para as cores fortes do fogo e para o chicote de aros de aço se estendendo para o braço.


Tattoo de caveira bastante realista

Para entrar em contato com Jeffinho Tattow ou conhecer mais trabalhos dele é simples:

R: São paulo, 1030, sala 2
Cel: (44) 9981 4723
You Tube:
Orkut: Spider Tattoo Studio
Campo Mourão  -  Paraná


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Body Art Tattoo

Body art tattooBody Art Tattoo have pleasing to see and can be a source of concern for those who exercise it. This is especially true that is why often availed by people who want to get attention as thespians, athletes, and musicians. However, attention can be either positive or negative, and in the case of tattoos, mostly negative. This is why having a tattoo is not recommended by many people even though the idea quickly becomes more and more popular.

Negative attention has a tattoo on the back is strongly influenced by the fact that most associated with crime and bad behavior. This is common practice for gangs to exercise certain kinds of Body Art Tattoobody art tattoo as a symbol of membership and identification. This is a common sight in the prisons where the criminals in jail to get tattoos to signify a crime they did. This is why the people with a lot of tattoos that easily associated with serious criminals who have been living a life filled with crime and error.

Apart from this, tattoos are also relationships with the people who spend most of their lives at sea.
Remember "Popeye the sailor man" with a famous anchor tattoos? Being a sailor is just one of many professions who consider tattoos as a general Body Art Tattoopractice and tradition. Others included soldiers and the circus workers. This is why parents who do not want their children to be associated with these professions are often snickered at the sight of even the simplest and most innocent - looking tattoo.

No matter what the reason behind having a body art tattoo, what is important is that it is used as a medium for self - expression. Hopefully, over time it will eventually be accepted by everyone in the world. By Tony Newton

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Saturday, January 16, 2010