Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bridal Henna - palms in process

bridal henna tattoo, fine line henna in processI wish I had remembered to take more photos of this bridal henna tattoo. We were actually able to finished the fingertips with bold tear drops, dots & flourished that met the pattern you see here in the photo.

The finish for the backs of the hands featured compatible floral & paisley accents that were embellished with the little glove spots.. giving the look of wearing an old fashioned glove. As this was henna in the winter time, I used plenty of lemon sugar glaze to help the henna stay wet as long as possible & blow drying from time tot time to help open the pores.

It was important that we finish the henna as quickly as possible, so I will hope to receive photos of the finished color sometime next week. Stay tuned!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sexy Star Tattoo Designs for Girls

Stars are often encountered as symbols, and many cases the meaning of a particular star symbol may depend upon the number points it has, and sometimes the orientation of these points as well. As a light shining in the darkness, the star is often considered a symbol of truth, of the spirit and of hope. The symbol of the star embodies the concept of the divine spark within each of us. Their nocturnal nature leads stars to represent the struggle against the forces of darkness and the unknown.
star tattoos on foot - foot star tattoo
star tattoos on foot
sexy star tattoo on foot for girls

Cool place for a tattoo....but so cute .holy crap! I thought at first they were temps until i saw the redness and read the tags!

star tattoos
sexy star tattoos on back for women
Sexy star tattoo for girls
star tattoo for sexy girls
This is another star tattoo design.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Practicing Peacock Arm Tattoo

henna tattoo pattern peacock patternInspired by the henna video showing work by the artists of Nepal, I decided to practice to improve both speed & style.

Here is a photo of late night henna practice where the work focused on creating an armlet tattoo. I feel very good about peacock faces in general.. and I am sure the eyes are improving.

I also feel better about my use of negative space, and am remembering to double line major design areas so that they really stand out.

Also, bolding or filling some areas also sees to help bring a design to life.

Of course the greatest difficulty I find when henna-ing myself is working upside down!

And then there is not smudging as I go! This is when the use of lemon sugar glaze & a blow dryer is priceless.

I can work out the pattern, spray, dry, and continue without having to be overly careful.

I will be able to put up finished color photos of this tattoo.. so ..

Stay tuned?


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Henna - How to Wrap for Good Color

henna tattoo on palmshenna tattoo for the back of the handsI am so fortunate to have met a new & wonderful goddess with a love of body art! Here are photos of her henna journey in December.. Jacksonville, Florida.

The first photo in this series is of the palms of the hands. To accomplish this tattoo, I started with the Lotus Om on the left hand, then the mandala center on the right.. back to the left and so on.

The patterns were misted with a lemon sugar glaze and allowed to dry as we moved from hand to hand, finishing the palms... but stopping before we got to the tips of the fingers. This way, it is easy to turn the hand over, resting on the finger tips, to apply mehandi to the back of the hands.

It is very important to remind that henna is a heat activated body dye. What that means is that warm temperatures help open pores, keep palms warm & moist, thus allowing the henna to stay active on the body for a longer period of time. All these conditions make for a dark finished color & a longer lasting tattoo.

The second picture in this series shows the "henna wrapping" which is a photo of tissue (which is taped when necessary to keep the tissue in place) and the plastic gloves used to create a little henna spa.. or sauna.. to give dark color in the winter time.

The tissue actually sticks to the lemon sugar glaze that is regularly applied during the henna process, and the tape helps keep the tissue in place. The little gloves (food service grade) are also taped shut at the wrist for comfort. There are so many benefits to this method, which I always use for bridal henna to ensure the darkest color, winter or summer in this air-conditioned part of the country!

Photo three is Tara's peacock garden pattern. You may be able to see the head of the peacock page right, then notice the tail that spreads across her fingers. The little six petaled flowers that grace the back of her hand are traditional, as are the little dots.

Once the back of her hands was finished, we turned palms face up to spread henna paste to cover the tips of her fingers. Photo four show the joy of a good design... that the back of the hand is visually pleasing when presented with the palm. As always, I hope to be able to post finished color photos in the near future.

Although this pattern was completed on Saturday afternoon, the finished color will not reveal itself until Monday. Henna usually takes about 48 hours to develop. For more tips on how to have a successful henna tattoo, please visit my site, or browse other posts in this blog.

As you can see from the photos, Tara got her manicure before her henna... which will make her design last longer & provides us all with these lovely photos. Henna tattoo is available by appointment during the winter months for those who chose traditional patterns, palms and backs of hands.

Summer time is our henna party season.. for that little something, just for fun. Namaste!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Female Tattoo Pictures Gallery

Feminine tattoos are probably the most overlooked tattoo designs in many online galleries and tattoo shop even though feminine tattoos make up more than half of all tattoos done each year.

feminine tattoos pictures
This black tattoo design is a double headed eagle as seen on an Albanian flag. If you are looking for a tattoo idea and feeling patriotic about you or your family’s home country, maybe you could also take a piece from your flag!? It certainly looks great on the back of this beautiful woman’s neck.
Feminine Flower Tattoo Perfect For Heels
Here’s another flower tattoo design, this time on the side of a woman’s foot in a perfect spot for heels! A flower tattoo seems to go well in a small area where you want the tattoo design to be subtle.

female tattoos lower back
pics of feminine tattoos
feminine tattoo designs gallery
feminine tattoos
Placement of a butterfly tattoo is both feminine and sexy as this bikini shot shows. Lower back tattoos on women scream sexy don’t they? The colors are vibrant and really help the tattoo to stand out against her skin. Remember to protect tattoos in sunlight by using sunblock.
Feminine Tattoos In Japanese Tattoos
Feminine Tattoos In Japanese Tattoos
sexy feminine tattoos
sexy feminine tattoos
Feminine Tattoos

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tribal Tattoo Designs

  • Worlds Largest Tattoo Collection- Special Edition - 25,000 Special Edition tattoos - thousands of Full Size Printable Tattoos, Flash and Stencils! Literally Thousands of Tribal Tattoo Designs.
  • Insane Tattoo Collection Special Edition - 10,000 tattoos
  • Insane Scorpion Tattoos Special Edition
  • Horicho Tattoo Collection
  • Hero Tattoo Collection
  • Demon Tattoo Collection
  • Tribal Tattoo Design Software
  • Got Ink - e-Book
  • Getting Inked - e-Book
  • Tattoos Unlimited - e-Book
  • Tattoo Selection & Care Guide e-book
  • Chinese Tattoo Names

Buy NOW for get DISCOUNT

Tribal Tattoo Designs

  • Worlds Largest Tattoo Collection- Special Edition - 25,000 Special Edition tattoos - thousands of Full Size Printable Tattoos, Flash and Stencils! Literally Thousands of Tribal Tattoo Designs.
  • Insane Tattoo Collection Special Edition - 10,000 tattoos
  • Insane Scorpion Tattoos Special Edition
  • Horicho Tattoo Collection
  • Hero Tattoo Collection
  • Demon Tattoo Collection
  • Tribal Tattoo Design Software
  • Got Ink - e-Book
  • Getting Inked - e-Book
  • Tattoos Unlimited - e-Book
  • Tattoo Selection & Care Guide e-book
  • Chinese Tattoo Names

Buy NOW for get DISCOUNT

Friday, December 5, 2008

Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs for Lower Back

butterfly tattoos designs -Butterfly Tattoo Designs Are Hot!
sexy lower back butterfly tattoo

Butterfly tattoos are one of the hottest tattoo designs for women today. In fact based on the search volume of keywords butterfly tattoos are right up in the top most requested designs for women. So you may be wondering why so much attention is given to butterfly tattoos right? Well when you think about it makes perfect sense.

Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs for Lower Back
Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs for Lower BackWonderful Butterfly Tattoos Srouces:
Butterfly tattoos are popular for a variety of reasons. Beautiful Butterflies For starters butterflies are just beautiful. They are one of the prettiest insects in nature with their delicate wings and brilliant colors! They make a great subject for tattoos because of their colors and brilliance. It is the perfect match to the wide variety of beautiful tattoo inks.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Olho de Horus

Entre os inúmeros estilos e variedades de tatuagens , O olho de Horus merece um destaque especial. Tanto pelo seu significado místico quanto pela sua beleza.

Mas você sabia que são 2 os olhos de horus? O esquerdo e o direito... Calma não ria. Cada um tem seu significado e os 2 juntos possuem um terceiro significado.

Então que tal antes de fazer a sua tattoo com o olho de Horus , entender o seu significado ?

Udjat/wedjat - É o nome do Olho de Horus ( também conhecido como olho de Rá ou Thoth ). Era tão importante para os Egípcio quanto a cruz é para os católicos. Pode-se, ver representações do olho de Horus em papiros e paredes de túmulos e em amuletos que acompanhavam as múmias em seus sarcófagos.

O olho ( ou olhos ) é dividido 4 partes que formam um todo. Cada parte com seu significado:

1ª Parte : formado pela sombrancelha, palpebra e a íris, representam o olho humano.
2ª Parte : o traço vertical que aparenta ser uma lágrima. Na verdade é a representação dos olhos de uma gazela, que em sua pelagem apresenta esse mesmo traço abaixo dos olhos.
3ª Parte : o risco que se curva para trás no olho, é a representação do olho do Falcão, que possui esse mesmo desenho formado por suas penas.
4ª Parte : o traço horizontal que se estica para trás em linha reta , representa o olho dos gatos de pelos rajados que possuem essa risca em suas pelagens.

olho-de-horus-Olho de Horus : sombrancelhas e palpebras do ser humano

GazelaA gazela assim como muitos cervídeos e bovinos, possuem uma mancha negra decaindo do olho como se fosse uma lágrima.

Gato rajado, ou listrado com sua mancha horizontal no canto externo do olho.

olho do falcao Abaixo do olho dos falcões e de algumas águias.
podemos ver a pequena mancha curva que se inclina para trás.

Cada lado do olho de Hórus possui seu significado.

Olho direito - Udjat - representa a energia do sol, o deus Rá e ao masculino. Governa a razão e a matemámática
Olho esquerdo - Wedjat - representa a Lua e o feminino, representa o Deus Thoth e governa a intuição e a magia.

Thoth é identificado com a Oftalmologia pois curou as feridas de Horus, o qual teve seu olho arrancado por Typhon.

Juntos, os 2 olhos representam o poder do universo de forma semelhante ao Yin-yang da cultura oriental.

Na maçonaria é chamado de o "olho que tudo vê" e pode ser visto no dólar americano.

Os dois olhos de Horus juntos formando um conceito semelhante ao símbolo oriental do Tao, Yin e Yang. União das forças da natureza

Tatuagem do olho esquerdo de Horus ou olho de Thoth na nuca.
Desenho de tattoo tribal formando o olho direito de Horus ou olho de Rá.

Olho de Horus cercado por desenho tribal

Amuleto com o olho de Horus

tribal wings tattoos

tribal wings tattoos

tribal wings tattoos

tribal wings tattoos

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fine Art Photo? Can you find the henna tattoo?

full palm henna tattoo traditional patternI am so happy to have been able to do this full hand henna pattern.

An "original" free hand design, the use of negative space makes a lovely pattern.

Can you find the henna in this photo?

I really like the mehandi against this fabric. I am sure there is another foto coming soon.. but as I have yet to see it, I share this image with you in hopes that you will find is as much fun as I do.

Wishing you warm nights.


Ann George

Tattoo Sleeves

Algumas pessoas adorariam fazer uma tatuagem mas encontram no medo do arrependimento ou no pavor por agulhas o fator crucial que as impedem de realizar o sonho.
Existem diversas formas de se adquirir uma tatuagem provisória, desde as tattoos de henna, as de adesivos, até as feitas com canetinhas mesmo.

Tattoo Sleeves é uma dessas opções, e ideal para quem quer cobrir o braço todo com uma tatuagem, mas quer ter a liberdade de as tirar como se tira uma camisa. Na verdade as tattoos sleeves são exatamente isso. Uma manga de camisa feita de nylon super fino, que de tão fino e transparente torna-se imperceptível a longa distância, sendo nescessário chegar bem perto para poder se perceber que não se trata de uma tatuagem de verdade.

As tattos sleves são uma verdadeira febre nos EUA e na Europa,

compre sua tattoo sleeves aqui

compre sua sleeve tattoo aqui