Friday, September 23, 2005

Mechanic Arm Tattoo

Zombie Mechanic Arm Tattoo
Zombie Mechanic Arm Tattoo

This arm tattoo is one of the more interesting and unique designs I've come accross. It's like a cartoon zombie coming out of flames with a piston and wrench below. Makes me think of some of the artwork you see on monster trucks like Grave Digger

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The meaning of henna tattoos

I receive alot of inquiries as to the meaning of henna tattoos. While different cultures, and different tribes within a culture have symbols and patterns that carry a meaning for that community, it is my experience that most clients here in Florida choose symbols that have a meaning particular to them.

This photo is a perfect example! A couple, who were soon to be married, choose to have the kanji for eternity done on their ring fingers as a symbol of their commitement to each other. While the kanji has its own meaning, the choice of this design, and the location was especially important to the couple.